Rates & Venue
Details About Rates & Venue
Tim's rate schedule is set forth below.
Billing Rates
Billing Rates


Two and three-party mediations are billed at a rate of $550 per hour. Mediations involving four or more parties are billed at $600 per hour. There is a four-hour minimum for mediation time, as well as a one-hour charge for administrative time.  There is no charge for travel time for mediations within Duval, St. Johns, Baker and Nassau Counties.  Travel time for mediations held outside of those four counties is billed at one hour of time each way at the applicable hourly rate, plus any out-of-pocket travel expenses incurred, including airfare and hotel, if necessary.

The Invoice total is divided equally between and among the parties, unless agreed otherwise. While counsel typically bill their respective client for that party’s share of the mediation fee, it is the direct responsibility of counsel, not their client, to pay the mediation fee allocable to their client.  Cancellations that occur 10 or less days in advance of the scheduled date will result in a four-hour charge for the canceled mediation, along with any preparation time I have incurred as of that cancellation notification date. 




About Our Venue

While the predominance of my mediation/arbitration practice involves disputes venued in Northeast, Florida, the remote platforms now available (zoom, Go To Meeting, etc.) enable my statewide practice. My offices can comfortably accommodate disputes involving two parties or dozens of parties. 

About Our Venue
Book A Consult

For your aid and convenience in scheduling, please access Tim's calendar by clicking the button below.

He is also available and happy to discuss scheduling dates/issues via email or phone.

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